Kernel Exceptions

Just like regular CPU-executed Julia functions, GPU kernels can throw exceptions!

For example, the following kernel will throw an out-of-bounds exception:

julia> function ker!(x)
           x[0] = 1
ker! (generic function with 1 method)

julia> x = ROCArray([1]);

julia> @roc kerr(x);

julia> AMDGPU.synchronize()
ERROR: GPU Kernel Exception
 [1] error(s::String)
   @ Base ./error.jl:35
 [2] throw_if_exception(dev::HIPDevice)
   @ AMDGPU ~/.julia/dev/AMDGPU/src/exception_handler.jl:115
 [3] synchronize(stm::HIPStream)
   @ AMDGPU ~/.julia/dev/AMDGPU/src/highlevel.jl:154
 [4] synchronize()
   @ AMDGPU ~/.julia/dev/AMDGPU/src/highlevel.jl:154
 [5] top-level scope
   @ REPL[5]:1

Kernel-thrown exceptions are thrown during the host synchronization AMDGPU.synchronize or on the next kernel launch.

Kernels that hit an exception will write its information into a pre-allocated host buffer. Once complete, the wavefront throwing the exception will lock the buffer to prevent other wavefronts from overwriting the exception and stop itself, but other wavefronts will continue executing.