
Hostcalls provide a means for GPU-CPU communications within running kernels.

AMDGPU.jl provides its own implementation of hostcalls, relying on HSA signals. Currently, hostcalls are used for device-side allocations, printing and exception reporting.

Some of the hostcalls (global hostcalls), are launched automatically, if their usage is detected during compilation (e.g. device-side allocations, exception reporting).

Hostcalls require careful usage, since they each spawn their own Tasks. There should be no blocking operations during this time.

For example, using non-blocking synchronization instead of blocking with AMDGPU.synchronize(; blocking=false) (which is also the default).

To stop hostcalls after synchronization, provide stop_hostcalls=true keyword argument, otherwise the performance might degrade because of constant pooling of HSA signals in a loop.


hc = Device.HostCallHolder(Float32, Tuple{Float32}) do x
    return x + 42f0

function kernel!(y, hc)
    y[1] = Device.hostcall!(hc, y[1])

y = ROCArray(Float32[0f0])
@roc kernel!(y, hc)
AMDGPU.synchronize(; stop_hostcalls=true) # Stop hostcall.!(hc) # Free hostcall buffers.

@assert Array(y)[1] ≈ 42f0

In this example, HostCallHolder is used to create and launch HostCall. HostCallHolder contains the HostCall structure itself that is passed to kernel, a task that is spawned on creation and some additional info for controlling the lifetime of the task.

First argument is a function we want to execute when we call the hostcall. In this case we add 42f0 to input argument x and return the result.

Second and third arguments are the return type Float32 and the tuple of types of input arguments Tuple{Float32}.

hostcall! is used to execute the function on the host, wait on the result, and obtain the return values. At the moment, it is performed once per workgroup.

Continuous Host-Call

By default, hostcalls can be used only once. After executing the function on the host, the task finishes and exits.

However, if you need your hostcall to live indefinitely, pass continuous=true keyword argument to HostCallHolder(...; continuous=true).

To then stop the hostcall, call Device.non_continuous!(hc) or Device.finish!(hc) on the HostCallHolder.

The difference between them is that non_continuous! will allow calling hostcall one more time before exiting, while finish! will exit immediately.

finish! can be used on any HostCallHolder to force-exit the running hostcall task.

Free hostcall buffers

For custom hostcalls it is important to call! once kernel has finished to free buffers that hostcall used in the process.