Runtime and Compiler Logging

AMDGPU.jl has a built-in logging system integrated into various runtime and compiler operations, which is provided by TimespanLogging.jl. Operations such as compilation and linking, signal and buffer allocation/freeing, kernel launch, etc. are instrumented with logging statements, allowing the user to record the start and end of operations.

While disabled by default, logging can be enabled by first running AMDGPU.Runtime.enable_logging!() to globally enable logging, after which Julia must be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Once logging is globally enabled, AMDGPU.Runtime.start_logging() causes new log events to be saved, while AMDGPU.Runtime.stop_logging() causes new log events to be discarded. Log events can be collected with AMDGPU.Runtime.fetch_logs!(). A more convenient option is AMDGPU.Runtime.log_and_fetch!(f), which can be used to easily log operations within a region of code:

logs = AMDGPU.Runtime.log_and_fetch!() do
    A = AMDGPU.ones(3, 4)
    B = copy(A)
    fill!(B, 1f0)
    C = Array(B)
@show logs[1]